
Custom Stencils don't appear to work with 3d widgets.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open a blank project
  2. Enable "Custom Depth with Stencil" in project settings
  3. Create a new actor BP and add a widget component
  4. In the rendering settings for widget enable "Render Custom Depth Pass", set stencil value to 1
  5. Set widget Class to "Main Menu Buttons"
  6. Drag BP into scene and enable Custom Stencil Buffer visualization

The 3d widget doesn't appear and viewport screen remains black.

The 3d widget appears and it has a a yellow fill color with 001

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.
CreatedApr 21, 2017
ResolvedMar 8, 2019
UpdatedJun 7, 2020
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