
While testing in //UE4/Release-4.16 CL 3466753 in Binary – I encountered an issue when deleting NavMeshBoundsVolume and RecastNavMesh. The NavMeshBoundsVolume is deleted but the RecastNavMesh remains.

Regression: No
This issue also occurs in //UE4/Main and //UE4/Release-4.15

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open UE4 Editor
  2. Create a new Blueprint Top Down project
  3. In the World Outliner, type "Nav"
  4. Select both 'NavigationMeNavMeshBoundsVolume' & 'RecastNavMesh-Default'
  5. Press the Delete key

MeshBoundsVolume is deleted, but RecastNaveMesh remains.
Expected Result:
MeshBoundsVolume and RecastNaveMesh are deleted without error or warnings.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - AI
Affects Versions4.
CreatedMay 31, 2017
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021
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