
A scaled sprite does not appear to consistently maintain its collision for characters near its edges. I'm not certain whether this has anything to do with the character being in a fall state, but that seems to be when it occurs.

The user has provided a test project in the AH post.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Launch: UE4Editor.exe
  2. Create a new 2D Side Scroller project
  3. Select the Ledge sprite below the Player Start
  4. Scale the platform to 5.0 along the X axis
  5. Click "Blueprint/Add Script" button, with Ledge sprite still selected
  6. Save Ledge sprite as Blueprint
  7. Set RenderComponent of Ledge sprite to Moveable, in Details panel
  8. Open Event Graph of Blueprint
  9. Open attached txt file and copy then paste into Blueprint window
  10. Connect the platform component to the Target input
  11. PIE
  12. Run to the right towards the edge of the platform as it rotates

The character will get near the edge of the scaled sprite and then fall through it

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Paper2D
Affects Versions4.5.14.6
CreatedOct 23, 2014
ResolvedJul 6, 2016
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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