If a UFUNCTION is declared as both BlueprintCallabl as well as static, with the meta specifier "WorldContext = "SomeContext"", the function does not show up in the list of function calls for any blueprint that derives from Object.
Removing/commenting the WorldContext meta data will allow the function to be called from object blueprints
No - same behavior occurs in 4.16.3 (CL 3561208)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = Time, meta = (HidePin = "worldContextObj", DefaultToSelf = "worldContextObj")) static bool ObjVisable(const UObject *worldContextObj); UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = Time, meta = (HidePin = "worldContextObj", DefaultToSelf = "worldContextObj", WorldContext = "worldContextObj")) static bool ObjHidden(const UObject *worldContextObj);
In Actor blueprint, both ObjVisible and ObjHidden appear in the list. In Object blueprint, only ObjVisiable will show up.
static BlueprintCallable functions appear in the dropdown for blueprints of all types.
UE-74991 also affects Valve Index
I am not able to find world outliner how to enable it?
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When I open UE4 4.24.3 it appears that. Does anyone know how to solve?
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-49099 in the post.
26 |
Component | UE - Gameplay - Blueprint |
Affects Versions | 4.16.3, 4.17.1 |
Created | Aug 31, 2017 |
Resolved | Sep 8, 2017 |
Updated | Sep 20, 2017 |