
When launching the VR Template for example on Oculus Rift but through SteamVR using -hmd=steamvr and disconnecting htc Vive, the player's hands are reversed.

Important for titles that want to sell on Steam and use the Steam VR overlay but support Oculus hardware.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Install both SteamVR and Oculus Home
  2. Plug Oculus in, but unplug HTC Vive
  3. Create a new project based on the VR template
  4. Launch with -hmd=steamvr like in this command line:
    • D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Binaries\Win64>UE4Editor.exe "D:\Unreal Projects\SteamOverlay4x16\SteamOverlay4x16.uproject" -game -hmd=steamvr
  5. Notice left hand mesh follows right hand controller, and vice-versa

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions4.16.3
CreatedSep 13, 2017
ResolvedSep 13, 2017
UpdatedSep 16, 2019