
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.18 release. A number of the affected projects appear related to VR.

User Descriptions

  • I was trying to use the SteamVR preview for Windows MR headset
  • I just played in VR mode, I did not press anything at that moment. this " Slate " crash Happens at me quite often last time Outside the VR mode, this did not happen, maybe this is somehow connected? And more importantly, I do not have a custom Slate!!
  • I was in VR preview mode with Vive and the spectator screen on mode fill/crop. The Vive signal was kinda weak (with some view flashing)
  • I have 0 widgets in my project, I don't know where this could come from
  • probably something with collisions or rotation via "rotate towards" Behavour node
  • VR Project. Moving myself with the help of "swing control" navigation. Pressing the vive grip buttons and updating the location with regards to the total movement of the controllers in respect to the last frame. Direction is the world X/Y orientation of the controlers.

Source Context

1989       EUINavigation FSlateApplication::GetNavigationDirectionFromKey(const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent) const
 1990       {
 1991       	if (const FSlateUser* User = GetUser(InKeyEvent.GetUserIndex()))
 1992       	{
 1993       		return User->NavigationConfig->GetNavigationDirectionFromKey(InKeyEvent);
 1994       	}
 1995       	return EUINavigation::Invalid;
 1996       }
 1998       EUINavigation FSlateApplication::GetNavigationDirectionFromAnalog(const FAnalogInputEvent& InAnalogEvent)
 1999       {
 2000 ***** 	if (const FSlateUser* User = GetUser(InAnalogEvent.GetUserIndex()))
 2001       	{
 2002       		return User->NavigationConfig->GetNavigationDirectionFromAnalog(InAnalogEvent);
 2003       	}
 2004       	return EUINavigation::Invalid;
 2005       }
Steps to Reproduce

repro steps currently unknown

Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)

UE4Editor_Slate!FSlateApplication::GetNavigationDirectionFromAnalog() [slateapplication.cpp:2001]
UE4Editor_SlateCore!SWidget::OnAnalogValueChanged() [swidget.cpp:239]
UE4Editor_SlateCore!SWidget::SlatePrepass() [swidget.cpp:492]
UE4Editor_Slate!PrepassWindowAndChildren() [slateapplication.cpp:1343]
UE4Editor_Slate!FSlateApplication::DrawPrepass() [slateapplication.cpp:1391]
UE4Editor_Slate!FSlateApplication::PrivateDrawWindows() [slateapplication.cpp:1433]
UE4Editor_Slate!FSlateApplication::DrawWindows() [slateapplication.cpp:1190]
UE4Editor_Slate!FSlateApplication::TickApplication() [slateapplication.cpp:1777]
UE4Editor_Slate!FSlateApplication::Tick() [slateapplication.cpp:1595]
UE4Editor!FEngineLoop::Tick() [launchengineloop.cpp:3378]
UE4Editor!GuardedMain() [launch.cpp:166]
UE4Editor!GuardedMainWrapper() [launchwindows.cpp:134]
UE4Editor!WinMain() [launchwindows.cpp:210]
UE4Editor!__scrt_common_main_seh() [exe_common.inl:253]

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-51725 in the post.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate
Affects Versions4.18
CreatedOct 27, 2017
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021
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