
There is an issue where Camera rotation stops at game window border when using Begin play node with the mouse. This issue does not happen if you don't use the begin play node with the Set show mouse cursor node. It is unknown if this is intended behavior or not. This issue does not appear to be a regression.

Versions Tested:
4.16.3 - 3561208
4.17.2 - 3658906
4.18.2 - 3794801

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new project based off of the Third Person template (No Starter Content needed)
  2. Open the level blueprint for the map when the project open
  3. Copy the blueprint from the project provided
  4. PIE and move the mouse to the edge of the screen and keep moving the mouse in that direction (Result)
  5. Stop PIE and go back to the level blueprint
  6. Remove the Begin play event
  7. PIE and move the mouse to the edge of the screen and keep moving the mouse in that direction (Expected Result)
    Result: The camera will not continue to move and will stop with the mouse
    Expected Result: The mouse stops but the camera can keep rotating

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Won't Fix
Affects Versions4.164.174.18
CreatedJan 8, 2018
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021
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