
Use attached project to skip c++ steps. Follow from step 6.


Update: It appears that the same symptoms occur if you simply change the name of an existing subobject, without changing the property/field name

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create two c++ classes based on UActorComponent (uMyComponentFirst, UMyComponentSecond)
  2. Create two c++ classes based on AActor (AMyActorBaseFirst, AMyActorBaseSecond)
  3. Add a UMyComponentFirst member named MyComponent to AMyActorBaseFirst and initialize it using CreateDefaultSubobject
  4. Add a UMyComponentSecond member named MyComponent to AMyActorBaseSecond and initialize it using CreateDefaultSubobject
  5. Create a C++ class based on AMyActorBaseFirst (AMyActor)
  6. Compile, start the editor
  7. Create a blueprint based on AMyActor
  8. Compile and save, shut down the editor
  9. Change AMyActor's base class to AMyActorBaseSecond
  10. Start the editor, open your blueprint and click on MyComponent, note that no properties are displayed

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CreatedFeb 26, 2018
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedDec 5, 2023
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