Steps to Reproduce

1. Make two blueprints based on Object (A, B)
2. Make a third blueprint based on A (A_Child)
3. Add a custom event to each blueprint, with a print node, so that its not data only
4. Create the following logic in B:
5. Add a new function to blueprint A and B
6. Call A's new function from blueprint B, and vice versa, so that the blueprints are dependent on eachother
7. Add a variable to A_Child and make it editable and 'expose on spawn'
8. Add the following logic to B: ![alt text][1]
9. In a new map, use the level script's begin play event to construct an instance of B and invoke its CustomEvent_0, verify that A_Child is contructed with the right value
10. Compile all and save
11. In A, add a new parameter to the function, click compile
12. PIE into the map and note that the value is wrong

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler
Affects Versions4.18
Target Fix4.20
Fix Commit3997164
Main Commit4006923
Release Commit4095966
CreatedFeb 28, 2018
ResolvedApr 11, 2018
UpdatedMay 31, 2018
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