
In 4.19 installations, the Engine/Extras/MayaLiveLink folder is missing. This is preventing users from being able to access it.

The release notes state "You can find pre-built binaries of the Maya Live Link Plugin inside your Engine installation folder in the following location: Engine\Extras\MayaLiveLink\" but that folder is not present.


Steps to Reproduce
  1. Navigate to Engine/Extras

Result: The MayaLiveLink folder is not present.

Expected: The folder would be there based on the information posted in the release notes.

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ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.19
Target Fix4.19.1
Fix Commit3958825
CreatedMar 15, 2018
ResolvedMar 22, 2018
UpdatedFeb 19, 2019
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