Current HttpChunkInstaller consider version data of manifest.But it does not consider the manifest file update. So, if user update the manifest file, HttpChunkInstaller ignores it. If changing the Version, it will recognize the change. But all Chunk / Manifest will be subject to update. This is a very bad situation for licensees.
The problematic code is as follows.
void FHTTPChunkInstall::ParseTitleFileManifest(const FString& ManifestFileHash) { ... if (InstalledVersion != RemoteVersion && bInstallIsPatch == bRemoteIsPatch) { UE_LOG(LogHTTPChunkInstaller, Log, TEXT("Adding Chunk %d to remote manifests"), ChunkID); ... }
We should add an update check on the Manifest file to this if statement.
It has already been added to closed stream, but it is still in UE 4.19, Main.
if ((InstalledVersion != RemoteVersion && bInstallIsPatch == bRemoteIsPatch) || FilesHaveChanged(InstalledManifest, RemoteManifest, ChunkID))
This is a very serious problem for Licensee, so so we should fix it.
error message when install in U.E 5.3 - IS-IN-FCO2-82
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-58730 in the post.