
According to Licensee's report, Root motion is incorrect when use URO.
I Investigated, in the case of "Montages Only" become TrailMode in URO.
Normally Animation Interpolation has implementation, but Root motion interpolation retarn 1.0 everytime.
I think that this diff of interpolation cause incorrect root motion.

  [Link Removed]

Steps to Reproduce

1. It set "Root motion from montages only" to a animation sequence with root motion
2. Set "a.URO.Enable" and "a.URO.ForceAnimRate".
2. When play animation in level, Root motion does't interpolation of URO.

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ComponentUE - Anim - Runtime
Affects Versions4.194.20
Target Fix5.5
CreatedAug 3, 2018
UpdatedFeb 16, 2024
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