
Light Map Resolution is set to a small value (4 or 8), it will build normally.

Steps to Reproduce

[Link Removed]

1.Download Attachment file.

2.Create New Project.

3.Move ST_Sphere_LMIdx4_01a.uasset included in attached file to project.

4.Set unique UV for Static Mesh's UV Channel 4. (ref 327164-dix4-uv.png)

5.Set the Light Map Coordinate Index to 4.

6.Place static mesh on the level.

7.Start Lighting build/

Result:Overlap warning 

Ref: after Lighting build.png


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By Design
ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.20.3
Target Fix4.21
CreatedOct 1, 2018
ResolvedOct 2, 2018
UpdatedOct 8, 2018
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