
For Blueprints with components having collision, the collision profile set in the blueprint seems to determine the edit-ability of many collision/physics properties of the instances. The profiles effects also seem inconsistent depending on previously set profiles, sometimes allowing editing and sometimes preventing it.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new actor blueprint
  2. Add a cube component
  3. Create an instance of this blueprint (Notice how physics/collision properties are grey-ed out in the editor for this instance)
  4. In the blueprint, change the cube's collision profile to OverlapAll (Notice how the instance's physics/collision properties are now editable)
  5. In the blueprint, change the cube's collision profile to NoCollision (instance grey-ed out)
  6. In the blueprint, change the cube's collision profile back to OverlapAll (instance still grey-ed out)

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ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics
Affects Versions4.194.20
Target Fix5.5
CreatedOct 9, 2018
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedFeb 27, 2024
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