Sub-components with the same name are not displayed on the correct parents in the Blueprints editor. Upon creation of an Actor blueprint initially derived from a c++ base class (VRCharacter) which contains c++ Actor component classes; (LaserPointerComponent,TeleporterPointerComponent) who contain their own static mesh, and spline sub-components are displayed correctly in the blueprint editor.
However, when editor is re-opened all sub-components root to one parent. (Motion controller left, as seen in "UE4_parenting_bug_001.png attachment)
Please note: I have attached three class files (six files total) from the source to better assist with replication and reduce steps needed to reproduce.
1. Open Unreal Engine 4.20, and Create a blank C++ Project
2. Navigate to your Project build.cs file and add the following Public Dependency Modules: "NavigationSystem", "SteamVR", "SteamVRController", "HeadMountedDisplay"
2. Create a new C++ class based off a UWidgetInteraction Component (See Attached: [Link Removed], [Link Removed][Image Removed])
3. Create a new C++ class based off a USceneComponent (See Attached: [Link Removed],[Link Removed])
4. Create a new C++ class based off a ACharacter Actor (See Attached: [Link Removed],[Link Removed])
5. Create a new blueprint based off of VRCharacter.
6. Open up VRCharacter Blueprint.
7. Observe the Hierarchy of Actor components. (Please see source image Attached: "UE4 Parenting bug") [Image Removed] ")
8) Compile and Save, close the Editor and restart.
9) Re-open CharacterVR blueprint and observe Hierarchy.
Result: Left motion controller now contains all attached sub-components.
Expected: Left and Right motion controller each contain their respectively named sub-components.
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When I open UE4 4.24.3 it appears that. Does anyone know how to solve?
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-65144 in the post.