
Arabic characters do not appear to render correctly in text widgets and text box (Multi-line). They instead appear as box like character with the word "Arabic" and a random set of numbers and letters and the Arabic letter beh Unicode character.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the editor
  2. Set the Editor Language to Arabic
  3. Set Editor Language to Arabic (Editor preferences > General > Region and Language)
  4. Set Editor Locale to Arabic
  5. Create a new widget blueprint
  6. Add a text widget to the designer tab (this also happens with the multi-line text box)
  7. Put "ذات يوم كئيبة في منتصف الليل ، بينما كنت أتأمل ، ضعيف ومرهق ،" in the text field

Result: The text will look the text in the example image
Expected: The text would show up as the actual Arabic text shown above

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By Design
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.21.2
CreatedMay 1, 2019
ResolvedSep 19, 2019
UpdatedSep 19, 2019
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