
Within the Blueprint Editor, it is possible to create subcategories for variables to be sorted into.
Doing so separates variables not nested into subcategories out into standalone, top-level structures.

I can reproduce this issue as far back as the live 4.20.3 Binary (CL 4377374); it is therefore not marked as a regression.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open any project in UE4Editor
  2. Create a new Actor Blueprint
  3. Within the Actor Blueprint, create a new variable called Test
  4. Set Test's Category to Stuff
  5. Within the Actor Blueprint, create a new variable called Test2
  6. Set Test2's Category to Stuff | Things
  7. Compile and Save the Actor Blueprint
  8. Drag an instance of the Actor Blueprint into the Viewport

In the Details Panel, the following sections and variables are present

  • Stuff
    • Test
  • Stuff
    • Things
      • Test2

Expected Result:
Variables created with the same root category are combined, example:

  • Stuff
    • Test
    • Things
      • Test2

Have Comments or More Details?

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.
CreatedOct 14, 2019
ResolvedAug 27, 2021
UpdatedAug 27, 2021
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