
When running the FaceARSample app on an iOS device, the app gets stuck on "Searching for a face to track" despite having a face in front of it. I tried it with and without my glasses on as well as with another person and none of them worked. I also tried using the iPhone XR's rear camera and that did not work either.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open FaceARSample
  2. Select Launch > All_iOS_On_MachineName
  3. Open FaceARSample on your iOS device

Result: FaceARSample is stuck on "Searching for a face to track"

Expected Result: FaceARSample should appropriately track your face

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ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions4.23
Target Fix4.24
Fix Commit9888193
CreatedOct 18, 2019
ResolvedOct 30, 2019
UpdatedNov 14, 2019
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