
When a Niagara System is called from a montage is doesn't scale with the skeletal mesh that uses the montage.

Attached is an example project.

Found in 4.24.1 CL#1077647
Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL# 9631420, 4.25 Main CL#10872318

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a blueprint third person template project.
2. Create a montage using an animation for the default mannequin.
3. Create a Niagara System.
4. In the montage add a Notify that plays a Niagara System.
5. Set the previously created Niagara Sytem in the Notify.
6. Create a blueprint that has a skeletal mesh component that uses the default mannequin.
7. Under Animation set "Animation Mode" to "Use Animation Asset".
8. Play the montage from Begin Play.

Result: The Niagara System doesn't scale with mesh that calls it.

Expected: The Niagara System scales with the mesh that calls it.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Niagara
Affects Versions4.
CreatedJan 2, 2020
ResolvedAug 31, 2021
UpdatedAug 31, 2021
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