Developer Notes

This feature (play from memory) has been removed altogether.


There is no Callstack associated with this crash. And I was unable to reproduce this in main due to a known issue when switching the 'Stream Mode' to 'From Memory'.

When packaging a project in 4.6.1 with a 'Media Player Asset' streaming 'From Memory' the packaged game fails to open. If you close the editor after packaging the project, the project will also fail to open.

This issue does not occur when I use the 'From URL' stream mode following the same steps provided.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a new Blank Blueprint project without Starter Content in 4.6.1

2. Import the 'UnrealLogo720' media file attached to the Content Browser.

4. Double click the 'Media Player Asset' that was created after import, and check the 'Auto-Play' and 'Looping' boxes.

5. Now change the 'Stream Mode' to 'From Memory' (might experience crash here which is known and reported).

6. In the Content Browser, right-click the 'Media Player Asset' and choose the 'Create Media Texture'

7. Right click the 'Media Texture' and 'Create a Material'

8. Keep the default options for the material and 'Save All.'

9. Create an additive BSP with the dimensions X=15, Y=300, Z=200. This will serve as a screen for the media asset.

10. Apply the material to the front face of the BSP and set the material alignment of the faces to 'Fit'.

11. Build All.

9. Within the 'Project Settings' set the 'Game Default Map' to the current working map.

10. Now choose, 'File' and 'Package Project' for Windows (64-bit) and choose the Desktop as your packaged directory location.

11. Open the 'WindowsNoEditor' folder and launch the project using the .exe

12. Notice how project fails to launch and project in editor will also fail to open after packaging.

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Won't Fix
Affects Versions4.6.1
Target Fix4.9
Fix Commit2603213
CreatedFeb 9, 2015
ResolvedJul 10, 2015
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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