
The collision response of an actor can be changed through the Details panel of the instanced actor and this overrides the collision response settings that were set through the Construction Script.

Moving the actor around in the viewport so that the construction script is re-ran does not change the actor's collision response.

I expected that the collision response cannot be changed if it is set through the Construction Script similar to the way a point light component's light color cannot be changed in the details panel if it is already set through the construction script.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open UE4Editor and create a new blank project
  2. Create and open a new Actor blueprint
  3. Add a Cube component to the blueprint
  4. Set the Cube component's collision to Block everything
  5. Add and hook up the following nodes to the blueprint's construction script
    • Cube component reference
    • Set Collision Response to All Channels
    • Print String
  6. Set the New Response = Ignore
  7. Drag the blueprint into the level
  8. Select the Cube component in the Details panel
  9. Set the Collision Response to block everything
  10. Play in Editor
  11. Fly through the Cube

The player collides with the Cube

The player flies through the Cube

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics
Affects Versions4.244.25.1
CreatedJun 23, 2020
ResolvedJul 19, 2022
UpdatedJul 19, 2022
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