TraceString for TChar strings has an erroneous return statement leading to unreachable code

UE - Foundation - Oct 23, 2024

In StringTrace.cpp, the TraceString(const TCHAR* InString) function has an erroneous return statement before UE_TRACE_LOG_DEFINITION within the branch checking if the string is already in the set. ...

D3D12Texture::Lock incorrectly sizes staging buffer when locking block compressed resources

UE - Rendering Architecture - Oct 23, 2024

D3D12Texture::Lock computes the size of the staging buffer on Line 1541 of D3D12Texture.cpp. This size uses the RowPitch, which for BCn resources encapsulates the size in bytes of a single row of bl ...

Objects animated in Sequencer fail to trigger collisions against stationary characters with character movement components

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 22, 2024

When an object, such as a cube, is animated in sequencer and that object's path intersects a stationary character with a character movement component, the object will pass through the character with ...

Unreal Editor can get in an infinite while loop when checking the History of an asset under Perforce.

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 21, 2024

Unreal Editor can get in an infinite while loop when the action Asset->Source Control->History is used in a Blueprint Asset. Reportedly, this issue is only encountered when using the Branches featur ...

GTAO console command minor issues

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 18, 2024

The following ambient occlusion console commands have issues: r.AmbientOcclusion.Compute ? The help text state it only works console but it also works on PC and likely other platforms. r.GTAO.Use ...

Decal normals causes underlying shadow masks to become visible

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 14, 2024

When using a Translucent or Modulate blend mode decal, the underlying shadow may become visible with VSMs, RT Shadows, and with the Pathtracer. When no normal is applied and a sphere is used to tes ...

Incorrect display of NavLinks when bFailedNavLinks is enabled

UE - AI - Navigation - Oct 10, 2024

When bFailedNavLinkNavLink is enabled in RecastNavmesh, some NavLink points are debugged and others are not depending on the position of the NavLink point. In the sample project, enable bFailedNavL ...

Editor Utility Widgets: Asset creating nodes' output pins in uber graphs cause asset deletion warning

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Oct 8, 2024

Editor Utility Widgets (EUW) can be used to script editor behavior. One use case is the automation of asset creation. A licensee has reported that when an EUW is used to create an asset, for as lon ...

Placed AnimGetter nodes don't update their name even though their reference is renamed

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Oct 3, 2024

Some animation node such as State Weight and Get Relevant Anim Time Remaining contains state name within in parentheses. But already-placed node does not update their name even thought the reference ...

Pressed event triggered after calling FlushPressedKeys while holding the button

UE - Gameplay - Input - Oct 2, 2024

This is an issue related to the behavior of the FlushPressedKeys function when called manually while a button is held. Once the function is called in C++, a Pressed event gets triggered even though ...