When montage ends on a middle section, a frame or two of the last section will play. Note that the "Looping" section is at the end of the timeline, but in the "Middle" of the sections order. ...
The Box Extent property does not seem to be updating when changed on an instance of an actor in the level. The size of the box will change, but when the value is printed, it is still printing the in ...
Not a regression as it occurs in 4.14.3 ...
Overlap events, such as OnComponentBeginOverlap seem to stop working when the actor is moved to a sub level. This does not occur if the object is deleted and then replaced in the level. ...
Adding elements to an array within a struct that lives inside another struct corrupts the outermost struct and every blueprint that had used it. This may be related or the same as [Link Removed] ...
The Cable actors render correctly in PIE and Standalone game. This does not occur on Windows Also occurs in 4.14.3 so not a regression ...
Here's an example of the errors I'm seeing:LogSerialization:Error: Attempt to sync load bulk data with EDL enabled (LoadDataIntoMemory). This is not desireable. File ../../../InfiltratorDemo/Content ...
In the RigidBody anim node, if the user enables collision while Component Space Simulation is enabled, there will be warnings in the output log saying:Warning Trying to use world collision with comp ...
Warnings occur when recording a new sequence in Sequence Recorder This is not a regression, since it happens in 4.14.3 Warnings:LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Guid referenced by ThirdPersonCharacter_C ...
Sometime recently, the behavior of changing a static mesh changed. A very common operation is to want to change a mesh, while keeping material override. Here I have a sky mesh, and the material is ...