Unloading sublevels causes slight freeze on Mac. It is noticable during PIE. This does not occur on Windows OS. ...
This could be a rounding error but if they are both representing the same distance they should match. Maybe truncating a few decimal places and rounding could work. ...
Attempting to generate abstract class from blueprint crashes editor on compile. Frequency: 4/4 ...
Packaged shipping HTML5-Mac build does does not open in Safari. The user is prompted with a missing shader cache message (see screen cap). Occurs: with Development and Sipping builds. However, wit ...
Currently, the SButton and SBorder widgets multiply the color and opacity during OnPaint before calling the super (SCompoundWidget::OnPaint). This causes the operation to be done twice, since the co ...
When spawning an actor with a media texture and then destroying the actor during runtime the game will crash several seconds later (30 - 75 seconds). Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 118] A FRend ...
Macintosh implementation for HTTP requests handle If-None-Match against ETags differently than Windows implementation. ...
Self shadow does not work when simulating or in PIE. Content Examples ParallaxOcclusionMapping level has a good example of this on the shadows example. Self Shadow Working:Standalone GameIn Editor ...
Selecting all actors and copying receives "Actor [name] is referenced by another Actor, do you really want to delete it?". This seems to only happen if one of the actors is referencing another actor ...
A licensee is seeing performance drops while using the editor due to a custom thumbnail renderer taking a while to generate thumbnails while Real-Time Thumbnail rendering is enabled, and has request ...