A function in a Blueprint Function Library that references another function in that library cannot be saved after closing and reopening the project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 1, 2015

A function in a Blueprint Function Library that references another function in that library cannot be saved after closing and reopening the project. The library will save without error until the pro ...

Skybox Textures Have a Seam When Using a Cube With Inverted Normals

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 14, 2020

Skybox textures can have a seam when using an inverted cube for a sky. Attached is an example 4.24.2 project. Note: One of the attached seam screenshots is hard to see unless you expand it. Found ...

Editor Crashes When Setting Location of Scene Component BP to World

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2015

In an actor blueprint with a scene component blueprint as its root, if you add a child object to the scene component blueprint, and then go into the scene component blueprint and set the location to ...

CPU Collision is being offset on Z

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 29, 2014

DESCRIPTION: Collision's on CPU Particles are incorrectly being offset on Z by several units [Link Removed]https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/105202/mesh-particle-collision-bug.html EDIT: ...

Cast modulated shadows causes black screen on iOS with non-default FOV

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 14, 2015

Using a FOV other than 90 with Cast Modulated Shadows seems to cause a black screen and weird FOV issues on an iOS device, in 4.9.2. If the camera has FOV=90, it works fine on the iOS device. If th ...

Different instanced materials are seen as the same material due to GUID

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 3, 2021

See licensee description of the issue: The problem appears when I have two instanced materials with the same number of parameters. I've noticed that ShaderMapId has MaterialLayersParameterIDs where ...

[VR] Camera attached to non-root scene component in BP will sink into floor after Reset to Floor Origin

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 12, 2016

When a project is first created following the Setting up UE4 to work with SteamVR docs, the Vive camera works correctly and will display at the correct height. However, if at any point during develo ...

Text block blurs when its render transform translation is changed from default to ex: [0.0x, 2.0y]

Tools - Sep 5, 2017

When creating a new Widget Blueprint in a new project and adding a Text Block, the Text Block blurs when its Render Transform Translation Y-Axis is changed from default to ex [0.0x, 0.0y]. Regressi ...

Light shaft bloom produces heavy flickering when offscreen

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 18, 2019

See attached video. Happens always in editor, will also happen in standalone game but only if viewport rect has not the full window size. The issue was not present in 4.22. Update 1/22/20:  A ...

Cable Actor becoming stiff when bound to two dynamic objects

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 1, 2023

the cable actor does not dynamically deform when the cable actor's parent mesh moves. Instead, the cable actor becomes rigid between the meshes it's bound between. This bug does not occur in the fo ...