Crash when launching Google VR project

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 12, 2016

Attempting to launch a packaged Google VR game on android causes the game to crash. This has occurred on two other devices. This occurs in Main as well as Dev-VR. ...

Crash when creating StaticMesh repeatedly

Tools - Nov 21, 2014

UE4Editor crashes when creating static meshes. Event at startup time while it tries to create default object it crash sometimes. ...

Crash in RecreateClothingActors() when using MasterPoseComponent

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Mar 27, 2019

As part of RecreateClothingActors(), the master pose component is not checked for a valid mesh and therefore when TransformComponent->GetComponentSpaceTransforms() is indexed into, crashes can occur ...

Launch Game Crash with None Distribution Method in Cascade

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 24, 2015

When you set the Distribution method to NONE in an initial Mesh Rotation Module of Cascade, cook the content for windows and then Launch for windows (or other non-editor device), the launched game w ...

Crash setting actor rotation via details panel in VR editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 3, 2017

Crash attempting to input value for Rot Y in a floating details panel. Found on //UE4/Release-4.15 CL-3283184. Reproduces in Binary and P4 versions of the editor. Reproduces in //UE4/Main CL-3283 ...

Walking into some destructibles crashes the editor

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Aug 20, 2015

Submitted by a licensee on UDN. I verified it and have attached the test level that he provided. In the test map. some boxes fall and break. Walking straight into the boxes causes the editor to cra ...

Hot Reload crash with Scene Component tied to Actor class

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 19, 2015

After creating a Scene Component code class and an Actor code class, creating a reference to the SceneComponent in the Actor class constructor will cause a crash on hot reload in the editor. ...

Editor crash when opening Project Settings on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 29, 2017

When the Project Settings is opened on Linux, a call is made to run an iOS-related C# program (execute iPhonePackager certificates). This call causes the editor to crash. Unable to find mention of ...

WP HLOD Crash on Small Cell Sizes

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jan 8, 2024