BuildCookRun: EnablePlugins parameter generated improper cooking command line.

From the UDN post that reported the problem:  The BuildCookRun Automation script offers a commandline option called -EnablePlugins= which allows the user to specify additional plugins that should ...

Setting a Sound Wave variable by the drop down menu of a Macro results in a missing properties error for Duration

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Sep 20, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL26001984 When using the drop down to select a sound wave asset as an input for a Macro then getting the duration of the sound wave within the ...

Unable to play replays with custom GameNetworkProtocolVersion set at runtime

UE - Networking - Sep 20, 2023

It seems that when comparing the custom versions for a replay (in the "operator<<" defined in ReplayTypes.cpp), the value retrieved from the FCurrentCustomVersions is not the value set at runtime, b ...

Custom Water Body does not work with its own Distance Culing

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water - Sep 14, 2023

WaterBodyCustom seems not to work with Distance Culling settings on its own actor, either Draw Distance/Never Distance Cull or Allow Cull Distance Volume.  It only can be controlled by the CullingD ...

User Defined Enums don't support the UseEnumValuesAsMaskValuesInEditor meta specifier

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 13, 2023

The Make Bitmask node uses the flag index rather than the flag mask value unless the enum has the UseEnumValuesAsMaskValuesInEditor meta specifier. UserDefinedEnums in the editor don't support this ...

IES Texture Icon changes to a gradient bloom once assigned

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Sep 13, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL26001984 After assigning an IES Profile to a light the icon for that profile updates to a gradient bloom preventing the profile from being pr ...

Deadlock in UPhysicalAnimationComponent::UpdatePhysicsEngineImp

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 13, 2023

Deadlock in Chaos during PIE; the main thread is in USkeletalMeshComponent::HandleExistingParallelEvaluationTask waiting for a task to complete, and a worker thread is running that task and is in US ...

Free physics constraints between two objects of differing size causes smaller object to jitter

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 13, 2023

A cube constrained to a physics actor will start to jitter uncontrollably when interacted with. (see attached media and repro steps for more details) Tested in the following //UE5-Release-5.3-CL ...

Multi-User - Conflict between two users dragging a selection

UE - Virtual Production - Tools - Multi-user - Sep 12, 2023

During a Multi-User Editing session with two or more team members two or more users can take control of the same actor and move it to different locations in the viewport at the same time. However, ...