AbsoluteWorldPosition and PDO not working correctly in SingleLayerWater calculations

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 1, 2021

The licensee has provided a recommended fix for this issue. Please see the UDN.  ...

Burn ins are not composited onto media renders using the MRQ

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 17, 2023

In 5.1 media exports will not have the burn in composited onto them.  ...

Hierarchical instanced static mesh LOD is not consistent between eyes

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 7, 2017

User reports that the issue fixed for ODIN-6308 still occurs for InstancedStaticMeshes. ...

Converting a light to Spawnable removes it from Light Mixer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 5, 2023

This is a regression as the issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.1 @ CL 23901901 ...

Windows SDKs not recognized for HoloLens Development

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 5, 2023

This is a regression as the issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.1 @ CL 23901901 ...

Full Body IK does not work properly when root bone has large scale

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Jul 20, 2023

FBIK becomes extremely unstable when the root bone scale has a value other than 1. ...

Sequencer- 'Dynamic Binding' SoftObjectPtr parameters fail to resolve after reloading editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 12, 2024

When reloading the editor and a level where a sequence has a dynamic binding with a soft object ptr parameter to an actor in the same level, the director blueprint will recompile on load of the leve ...

Launch on to HTML5 fails in browser with Expression (mp_Table) failed in LowLevelMemoryMap.h

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 16, 2017

I was able to repro this on both FF and Chrome. I have the latest FF 64-bit and was running into this after I deleted my intermediates, ran GenerateProjectFiles.bat, and built UE4 in VS. ...

Nested inline UObject properties don't expand in Actor blueprint detail panel

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 9, 2016

Customer provides details, including a fix for the problem. See UDN post attached. ...