Visual Noise on Thin Translucent materials with a Directional Light

UE - Graphics Features - May 30, 2023

Regression in testing This occurs with hardware and software ray tracing, as well as moveable and static lights This occurs regardless of anti aliasing. This was tested with DX12 ...

[AI] StateTree can get stuck in a loop when a sub-tree returns Tree Succeeded

UE - AI - StateTree - May 30, 2023

After a change to how StateTree handles Sub-trees returning succeeded, StateTree can now get caught in a loop when trying to transition out of the StateTree. Sub-tree completion and status should tr ...

Translucent Water renders dark with Lumen enabled.

UE - Graphics Features - Ray Tracing - May 30, 2023

Regression tested in 5.1 at CL 23901901 where the issue still occurs. The material will still have the normal and reflective properties. ...

Inconsistencies in SMInstance Proxy Object Creation

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 30, 2023

Sometimes when adding instances to Instanced Static Mesh component, you can click on individual instances in the editor and get special detail view - simple transform with the instance index number ...

Actor Soft Reference in LevelInstance does not have a Referenced Object during PIE

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - May 30, 2023

When setting an actor on a level to the SoftObjectRefence(Type:Actor) variable and outputting the object name as a PrintString, the object name cannot be correctly obtained if the set actor is place ...

TBaseBlendedCurve::ConvertToAdditive adds a curve track to an additive when the curve only exists in the base pose

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 29, 2023

When we create curves on additive animations, we are creating a curve based on whether the curve exists in either the base or additive pose.  This wouldn't be the expected behaviour for a user when ...

UAnimSequence::ExtractRootMotionFromRange causes problems on skeletons with different root bone ref transforms

UE - Anim - Gameplay - May 29, 2023

We should disable this block of code by default, with a config/console var to enable it: // Transform to Component Space const FTransform RootToComponent = RootTransformRefPose.Inverse(); StartTran ...

[Ensure] LoadStreamingLevel and UnloadStreamingLevel are called at the same tick

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - May 29, 2023

There is no particular error. Developer can ignore it. ...

LayeredBlendPerBone without BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone exaggerates root motion

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 27, 2023

When BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone is false, the LayeredBlendPerBone is aggregating root motion of the child poses ontop of the base pose root motion.  (ie. if the first child pose's blend weight i ...

LayeredBlendPerBone with BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone set incorrectly calculates root motion weightings with more than two sources

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 27, 2023

When BlendRootMotionBasedOnRootBone is true, the code in  FAnimNode_LayeredBoneBlend::Update_AnyThread that calculates the root motion weightings for the sources doesn't appear to account for the po ...