Reliable subobject creation bunch may overwrite previously received property on the actor

UE - Networking - Jun 21, 2024

This seems to occur because of how reliability and the retransmission of dropped data is handled in the engine. If a reliable bunch is dropped, the entire bunch will be resent, but any unreliable bu ...

Join in progress clients won't receive that a net startup actor is hidden

UE - Networking - Jun 21, 2024

This seems to be because IsNetRelevantFor checks if the actor is hidden, resulting in a hidden actor not being considered relevant to clients. However, if it is a net startup actor, this will result ...

CommonUI Analog Cursor + Enhanced Input triggers cause Gamepad Face Button Bottom triggers to get stuck when alt-tabbing

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jun 18, 2024

Reproduction rate: 5/5 Regression check: No, this also occurs in 5.4.2. Please note that this issue only reproduces with the Gamepad Face Button Bottom and does not occur for any other gamepad butt ...

Loading blueprint with soft actor reference during PIE corrupts data

UE - Foundation - Core - EditorLoader - Jun 13, 2024

The Soft Object Path loading code has special case logic for loading from Play In Editor, which tries to remap paths from the editor version of a map to instead point to an actor in a specific clien ...

Widget Blueprint breakpoints hit during a Tick event do not engage the debugger.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 13, 2024

The user comment on the Salesforce issue " This is a regression from the behaviour in 5.3.X, and I've reproduced it in 5.4.0, 5.4.1, and 5.4.2. The specific issue/change that caused this regression ...

Usd wrapper uses TCHAR_TO_ANSI conversions causing path issues with basic extended ASCII character set

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - USD - Jun 12, 2024

It seems that a simple change from TCHAR_TO_ANSI to TCHAR_TO_UTF8 in UE::FUsdStage OpenStageImpl() fixes the issue. ...

[Interchange] Adding fbx file to monitored folder triggered legacy import

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 12, 2024

The import dialog window is the legacy one and not the Interchange one. Auto reimport of modified FBX seems to be working properly with legacy or interchange selected depending on the CVar Rep ...

Race condition between D3D12 Buffer Defrag and View creation

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jun 11, 2024

A UDN user reported that the D3D12 resource allocator defragmentation operation races with view creation. View creation needs to be always deferred to the RHI thread. ...

Can't set "r.Shaders.Optimize" to false in UE5.4

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Jun 7, 2024

The CVar "r.Shaders.Optimize" cannot be set to false from DefaultEngine.ini in the section "[ShaderCompiler]" as its help text describes. Also tested on UE5-Main, CL: 34200103 ...

Problem with material layers using interpolator nodes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 7, 2024

The Vertex Interpolator Material Expression appears to collapse separate instances from separate Material Layers, leading to visual artifacts when used. Also tested on UE5_Main, CL: 34200103 ...