A crash can occur when a member of a UStruct has a category with the "|" symbol and is trying to be displayed inside by the FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl class. This happens when there is a UStruct memb ...
The game crashes because of a nullptr SkinnedMeshComponent in FSkeletalMeshObjectGPUSkin::GetUsedVertexFactoryData when r.PSOPrecache.Resources is enabled and a skeletal mesh is loaded due to a new ...
On line 408 of UPhysicalMaterialMask::GetPhysMatIndex() in PhysicalMaterialMask.cpp, the AdjustCoord() function is given AddressX for both the U and V coordinates. The AddressY input is never used i ...
The following code can often be found in UNiagaraDataInterfaceChaosDestruction.const int32 ParticleID = ParticleIDParam.GetAndAdvance() - LastSpawnedPointID + 1; The LastSpawnedPointID is usual ...
If the GeometryCollectionActor (GCA) is simulating physics, calling SetSimulatePhysics(false) does not stop the simulation. If the simulation is paused, calling SetSimulatePhysics(true) does as expe ...
This issue was reported through a UDN. Licensee mentioned that they are seeing a hole in their Nanite mesh at as they move away from it. Using the Nanite debug view we observe at a certain distance ...
The ResavePackages commandlet can be used to batch resave assets. The ResaveClass and IncludeChildClasses options let one resave all assets of a specific parent class. The problem is that blueprint ...