Right now only native subobjects are displayed in the details panel with meta = (ShowInnerProperties) is set. Child Actor Components are an example of this, where if the child actor you have added h ...
Macro Libraries can only be called by their original name, even after being renamed to something different. ...
Custom Blueprint nodes no longer appear in the event graph. This was working in 4.5.1, but no longer works in 4.6 and Main. Previously working: CL 2336109 No longer working: CL 2374938 CL 2375748 ...
Having multiple viewports open causes the wrong viewport to be rendered inside the headset. Positional/Rotational tracking is still updating correctly in the preview window. Closing the wrong view ...
Building 4.10 from the GitHub release branch on Linux fails to open after install and instead crashes User Suggested Fix: Switching triangle order optimization off with r.TriangleOrderOptimization= ...
If a block comment is used above the UCLASS Macro, leading spaces before the start of the comment causes UHT to fail and the solution to fail compile with a "Missing 'UCLASS' in Class declaration" e ...
Packaged QA Game crashes when opening "TM-MotionController" This issue did not occur in 4.13 This is also affecting KiteDemo. Cinematic will crash when Editor Content is not included in the packag ...
This is a semi-common Linux crash coming out of 4.17.1. It is spread among a few different similar callstack affecting a handful of users. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed ...
Editor crashes when building a level containing landscape if Preview Rendering settings are set to Default High End Mobile. This is a regression. This is working on 4.16 3-3561208 This is not wor ...
The new function output booleans within blueprint class actors are not saving intended true/false entries. This issue is a regression. Works in: 4.16.3-3561208 Does not work in: 4.17.1-3586342 and ...