Assert Crash when Attempting to rename Vector variable with open split pins

UE - Gameplay - Mar 25, 2020

Assert Crash when Attempting to rename Vector variable with open split pins  ...

Flickering Decals on Mac in Mobile Preview

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 25, 2020 ...

Desynchronised playback of firstime played SoundWaves with active AudioStreamCaching

UE - Audio - Mar 25, 2020

The SoundWave in the Content folder of the attached Project has been exported from Nuendo @ 120BPM 4/4, with a duration of exactly 1 Bar. The BP_Audio Actor uses the TimeSynthComponent to provide sa ...

Landscape Grass renders offset from Landscapes

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Mar 24, 2020

Foliage spawned from Landscape Materials is rendering offset from the Landscape the material is applied to. I can reproduce this issue with or without Edit Layers enabled. I'm unable to reproduce ...

Calling Finish Recording Output causes a crash in PIE

UE - Audio - Mar 23, 2020

The Finish Recording Output node from the Audio Mixer BP Library crashes due to an invalid Path input. This is a regression from 4.23.1 (CL-9631420).  This was reported and tested in 4.24.3 (CL-115 ...

Some bones are not removed even when registered in "Bones to Remove"

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 22, 2020

 The difference between "testbone" and "testbone2" is only whether there is "joint7" Skinning itself has been properly ruled out. However, it can be confirmed by attaching a socket etc., but the bo ...

Compiling blueprints with a reroute node attached to a class variable to a "Spawn for gameplay task" causes the pin to "instigator" to disconnect

UE - Gameplay - Mar 20, 2020

Creating a reroute node between a class variable and a "Spawn actor for gameplay task's" class pin will cause the variable attached to the instigator pin to disconnect. ...

Spawnable empty actor loses components after editor restart

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 19, 2020

Empty actor spawnables do not have any components after an editor restart. ...