Renaming a Blueprint interface asset doesn't update the ImplementedInterfaces list in the Blueprint editor's Class Settings tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 13, 2023

There is no UI refresh for the Implemented Interfaces list in the Blueprint editor UI after a Blueprint Interface asset is renamed in the Content Drawer. Consequently, the interface cannot be remove ...

Renderdoc failing to capture

UE - Rendering Architecture - Nov 13, 2023

This is not an issue in Release-5.2. ...

Mass Agent Component implementation triggers Aggressive Default Reference Replacement ensure

UE - AI - Mass - Nov 13, 2023

Workaround: Construct the DefaultSubobject with ... = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMassAgentComponent>(TEXT("MASS"), true); The issue appears to be that the DefaultSubobject holds a pointer to the CDO ...

K2Node_FunctionEntry: Focusing "Name" property in Details panel changes function name to display format

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 13, 2023

Users can enter blueprint function names without spaces, for example PascalCase (MyFunctionName) or snake_case (my_function_name). The "My Blueprint" tab functionality for naming functions allow all ...

Placed level instance causes "!ActorInstanceGuid.IsValid()" assertion after changing WorldSettingsClass

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Nov 13, 2023

Resaving the level using ResavePackagesCommandlet is a workaround. ...

Shadow in Sky Reflections

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Nov 10, 2023

It looks like the DistantScreenTrace(...) in LumenScreenTracing.ush reports a false positive hit in the dark regions. Using screen trace visualization reports the distance in these regions as 65535. ...

Crash when opening or editing a DataTable with a Row Structure that contains a Curve

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Nov 9, 2023

If a DataTable Asset is created with a Row Structure that contains a member variable of type Curve, the Editor will crash when attempting to open it while it has no rows. It will also crash when edi ...

Texture Sample DI does not work on Niagara Parameter Collections

UE - Niagara - Nov 8, 2023

Texture sample DIs no longer work when used with Niagara Parameter Collections. This seems to affect Volume Texture DIs based on customer reports, but I have not confirmed this.  ...

SkeletalMeshComponent in dedicated server causes memory leak

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 8, 2023

As dedicated server does not have viewport, USkinnedMeshComponent::BoneTransformUpdateMethodQueue array keeps growing and never clear. ...