To activate cascade particle first time on sequencer is not work in a specific way.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 6, 2020

The bIsActive flag on ParticleComponent is stored in a sequencer asset. If it's true, PartilceSystemComponent::ActivateSystem is skipped at FParticleTrackExecutionToken::Execute. In workaround, Set ...

The vertex color view mode in the vertex painting editor mode ceases to work when the project setting "Extend default luminance range in auto exposure settings" is enabled.

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 31, 2019

When "Extend default luminance range in auto exposure settings" is enabled, the Color View Mode in the vertex painting editor mode ceases to work and without any warning to the user. ...

Changing "Coordinate Light Map Index" When "Generate Lightmap UVs" Is Enabled In A Static Mesh Crashes Engine

Tools - Dec 31, 2019

When altering "Coordinate Light Map Index" in a static mesh when "Generate Lightmap UVs" is enabled in LOD 0 the engine will crash or "Coordinate Light Map Index" will be set to 0. A demonstration ...

Exposure Compensation Curve not applied in Standalone/Packaged

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 29, 2019

'Exposure Compensation Curve' is not being applied in Standalone or Packaged projects. Confirmed in 4.25 MAIN at CL 10871578 ...

3D Text - Translucent materials not rendered

UE - Virtual Production - Dec 29, 2019

Translucent materials are not compatible with 3D Text. ...

SceneCapture2D cause crash on Mobile Preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 29, 2019

Spline don't deform landscapes in certain setups

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Dec 26, 2019

The splines do not deform the landscape when the path is made with a straight spline. When you move a spline point to bend the road it will deform the landscape, but the deformation accuracy seems t ...

UMG Editor Will Compile Incorrect Node And Crash When Called During Runtime

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 26, 2019

The UMG editor will compile as if the blueprints is valid if you make "Get Text" node from a TextBlock variable, delete it and create a EditableText variable with the same name. When running a scene ...

Widgets With Retainer Boxes Are Selected When Behind Widgets Without One

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 24, 2019

When a widget that has a retainer box is behind another widget that doesn't have one it will call it's onclick instead of the one in front of it in the UMG when clicked (see attached gif). This beh ...

Meta Allowed Class Doesn't Allow All The Included Classes

Tools - Dec 24, 2019

The Meta Allowed Classes specifier doesn't allow the user to assign anything of the second type. Found in 4.24.1 CL#10757647 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9631420, 4.25 Main CL#10868506 ...