When you select an object in the viewport and use "Snap Object to View", the editor pivot (e.g. the location of the transform widget) doesn't change. It stays where the object used to be until you c ...
This came via a UDN. Very small triangles can generate very small lods, which make query time really slow if your self collision thickness is significantly larger. You will do X^3 checks per query ...
r.VT.PoolSizeScale should be changeable at runtime so that we can resize VT physical pools for iteration on selecting pool sizes. It works correctly at engine startup but runtime changes have no ef ...
Trigger Delay is not behaving as described in it's current tooltip, i.e. "Executes output trigger after the given delay time from the most recent execution of the input trigger." Namely, it is outpu ...
https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/case/5004z00001n9LsOAAU/custom-primitive-data-on-bp-inst ance-not-taking-affect-while-in-editor Original Repo is from 4.27, however, it still happens in 5.2. This is ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Additionally, I placed the cable actor in a sequencer then keyed several changes in position. The Cable actor had the same behavior of r ...