Crash playing source media file after attempting to play undefined source file

Media Framework - Mar 2, 2017

After attempting to preview the undefined File Media Source in the Media Player Window and getting an error. I set the path of the File Media Source to Windows sample video 'Wilflife'. Then attempt ...

QAGame projectile collisions are not working

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 3, 2017

I was not able to repro this with template projects in //UE4/Release-4.17. I was not able to repro the lack of collision to the same static mesh I shot at if I tried to run into it. That is why I me ...

Draw Brush Polys setting does not display translucent Material

Tools - Oct 13, 2017

The Draw Brush Polys setting does not display translucent Material in versions 4.17 and higher, instead, checking the option appears to do nothing. This issue does not occur in 4.16.3, this issue is ...

The result of the Attach target change operation using AttackTrack's ContextMenu varies depending on the flow

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 6, 2018

At present AttackTrack's context menu has three patterns of Attach target change flowChange constraintBindingIDUse ExsitBindingUse NewBinding However, 1 and 3 can correctly change the target, but t ...

Editor Crashes When Attempting to Create/Open a Blueprint While 'Show Friendly Variable Names' is False

UE - Gameplay - Oct 12, 2018

When the 'Show Friendly Variable Names' option is set to false in Editor preferences, attempting to create (once you press 'Enter' to accept the new Blueprint name) or open a Blueprint causes the ed ...

BeginPlay execution order is different when using Game Mode instead of Game Mode Base

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 26, 2019

Using Game Mode instead of Game Mode Base causes the Begin Play event to trigger in a different order. This is shown in the reproduction with the Begin Play of the Player Controller and the Game Mod ...

C++ Class Creation Wizard does not setup include path properly when using a sub-directory with Public/Private Classes

Tools - May 7, 2020

The creation wizard is not correctly adding the #include path in the CPP file. To fix the issue to get the project to compile you have to add the path in the .CPP file within Visual Studio. In this ...

Crash when null texture parameter is present on a MIC

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 22, 2022

From UDN: [Link Removed] Proposed fix: int32 FHLSLMaterialTranslator::TextureParameter(FName ParameterName, UTexture* InDefaultValue, int32& TextureReferenceIndex, EMaterialSamplerType SamplerType ...

All public inline methods of class "FBlueprintEditor" are inaccessible to other modules due to "DLLIMPORT"

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 28, 2024

Class "FBlueprintEditor" has several inline getter methods as part of its public API (e.g. GetPreviewActor() and GetPreviewScene()). However, even though they are public, those methods are inaccessi ...

Recorded sequences create broken "Visibility" tracks instead of "Hidden in Game" Tracks

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 19, 2017

Recorded sequences create "Visibility" tracks instead of "Hidden in Game" Tracks. "Visibility" tracks appear to be legacy tracks that you can't create anymore, but is still created by Sequence Reco ...