Encountered a crash when testing shadows in QA-Waterworks map. I found an issue when walking into the water at the bottom for Example 2A, where it would crash upon entering the water. See screenshot ...
Repro Rate: 10/10 This issue occurred in the live build of //UE5/Release-5.1 at CL 23058290. This was regression tested against //UE5/Release-5.0 at CL 20979098 and is confirmed to not be a regres ...
A customer is reporting that a renamed LevelSequence will continuously be resaved when Fixing the Redirectors from the Content Browser. The problem would be the incorrect redirector for the Blueprin ...
From user: Comparing UE, Arnold, Vray and MaterialXView that have MaterialX files imported, some materials of UE clearly look different from other renderers. Looking into this issue, we found that ...
Editor crashes when importing an .abc file as a skeletal mesh and the assets materials already exist inside the project. -Materials need exist inside project before import -If the .abc file is imp ...
If a [ or ], which are used for syntax in .ini files, are included in a folder name, problems occur when that filepath is used for anything that is recorded in .ini files. The example given in the r ...
Spawning a character using an existing character as a template causes the spawned character to inherit the animation of the original and may lead to a crash. This appears to be unique to character ...
This is an infrequent crash that has occurred for a few users exclusively in 4.17.1 (possible regression from 4.17.0?). Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occu ...
This is a somewhat common crash in 4.17.1. This same callstack appeared a few times during 4.11, but then has not been seen until recently. Users have not provided any descriptions of their action ...
4.26[AssetLog] D:\Binary\UE_4.26\Engine\Content\Tutorial\InWorldBlueprintEditing\TutorialAssets\IWBE_Blutility.uasset: Default__IWBE_Blutility_C is not valid. See the MapCheck log messages for detai ...