Using Game Mode instead of Game Mode Base causes the Begin Play event to trigger in a different order. This is shown in the reproduction with the Begin Play of the Player Controller and the Game Mod ...
The creation wizard is not correctly adding the #include path in the CPP file. To fix the issue to get the project to compile you have to add the path in the .CPP file within Visual Studio. In this ...
From UDN: [Link Removed] Proposed fix: int32 FHLSLMaterialTranslator::TextureParameter(FName ParameterName, UTexture* InDefaultValue, int32& TextureReferenceIndex, EMaterialSamplerType SamplerType ...
Class "FBlueprintEditor" has several inline getter methods as part of its public API (e.g. GetPreviewActor() and GetPreviewScene()). However, even though they are public, those methods are inaccessi ...
Recorded sequences create "Visibility" tracks instead of "Hidden in Game" Tracks. "Visibility" tracks appear to be legacy tracks that you can't create anymore, but is still created by Sequence Reco ...
This is a common crash in the 4.16 release. The callstack is similar to [Link Removed], but that was fixed in 4.16.2 while this crash still occurs. Users have not provided any additional informati ...
AI nav walking doesn't allow clients to set a "Base" for the character (SetBase from UpdateFloorFromAdjustment), so there is no floor result on frames where there is a net update. This causes simula ...
Left Eye Renders black in VR when a PostProcess Material is applied. On Quest Right eye renders post process mat and left eye renders scene, but upsidedown. Also occurs in Packaged Project and/or ...
We have written a plugin for UE4 that allows Unreal users to import and set up Megascans assets into Unreal Engine. Recently we added Alembic files to our assets and also updated all our plugins to ...
Crash when ApplyPhysicalAnimationProfileBelow node and UPhysicalAnimationComponent :: UpdateTargetActors by UPhysicalAnimationComponent :: OnTeleport run in the same frame. Because RuntimeInstanceDa ...