As soon as the visibility tool is used, we're adding references to the "/Engine/EditorLandscapeResources/DataLayer" asset from landscape components. If the user decides to cook without editor data ...
This may just need to be closed, we may not be able to control this at such a level. This really comes up more than you would guess. I think almost everyone has made a widget, wanted to call Edito ...
When inherited, it is reasonable to expect the tags added by the parent to be reflected in the children. If the parent is editted after the children, however, tags that are added or deleted are not ...
When repeatedly loading and unloading sublevels with a NavBoundsVolume, it will cause a crash when using a NavModifierVolume. When the NavMesh is unloaded, it seems that the number of the DirtyLayer ...
Planar reflections with any value lower than 100 for SeparateTranslucencyScreenPercentage are skewed/distorted when moving the camera, not representing the correct image when the value is 100. ...
PhysX throws warnings (which are escalated to errors) when CCD and Kinematic are in invalid states (they can only be enabled exclusively). The code to fix this has already been submitted, but may c ...
When there is a Retainer box with the visibility set to "Self Hit Test Invisible" and has children, the children cannot be interacted with. Children such as a button cannot be clicked. This issue c ...
There is a crash that is occuring when resizing windows with the debug filter popped out. The Debug filter that gets popped out is persistant and does not disappear when the the in line option appea ...
Numerous LogMetal: Warning: AsyncCopyFromBufferToBuffer on overlapping ranges Warnings Warnings do not appear to be linked to any visual/performance problems in the editor. Could be safely ignored. ...
Masked materials that sample virtual texture don't function correctly. They render black instead of masked. This happens when there is no depth pre pass enabled. Automatically enabling depth pre p ...