Editor Crashes on Opening After Deriving C++ Class from Another Class

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Sep 13, 2017

After deriving a C++ class from another class and then closing the editor, the project will crash when reopened. This crash will continue until the project files are regenerated and the project is r ...

If use Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton, PoseAsset of the skeleton will be broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 10, 2019

If user execute "Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton" on Skeleton where PoseAsset exists, the index held in FPoseData :: TrackToBufferIndex in PoseAsset will not be corrected, and it will refer to the ...

Editor reports crashes and terminates for exceptions that would otherwise be cleared by structured exception handlers

UE - Foundation - Core - CrashReportClient - Jun 8, 2020

In 4.25.1, I added a vectored exception handler to capture unhandled exceptions to the Editor process. This handler runs too soon. It doesn't let the structured exception handlers run first where ma ...

Crash when making Android package in SlateTextShaper.cpp

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 7, 2020

Crash when outputting garbled text when creating Android package. It did not occur in my colleague's environment using English OS, but occurred in my environment using Japanese OS. This issue should ...

Incremental Cooks: Add dependencies on files loaded during Load/Save of the package

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Oct 19, 2022

Iterative and Incremental cooking are supposed to recook packages when their "inputs" change. Most of the time inputs are the package file itself and the other package files on which it has dependen ...

Mesh Space Additive behave differently for non-animated bones and extra bones on a target skeleton

UE - Anim - Runtime - Dec 6, 2023

Typically, non-animated bones behave the same way as extra bones on a target skeleton. However, it appears that this isn't the case for mesh space additive sequences. When a bone is present on th ...

Package fails after adding DesktopPlatform to public module dependency list

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 6, 2017

Adding DesktopPlatform to the PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange() section of the Project.Build.cs file causes the project to fail packaging with the following error (full package logs in callstac ...

Crash on checking event track key property after setting static mesh reference element

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 19, 2017

Event track key with a structure containing staticmesh reference. Setting the staticmesh then reopening the property crashed the editor. ...

UPrimitiveComponent mouse events when underneath Slate widgets not correct

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 7, 2016

Licensee is adding a widget to the viewport overlay via AddViewportWidgetContent(). The widget receives mouse input when hovered. They return unhandled from all their widget's onmouse functions and ...

Android Crash on app launch if AdditionalPluginDirectories contains wildcards in path

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 23, 2017

Having wildcards in the path for AdditionalPluginDirectories causes apps on Android to crash on launch. When testing this on iOS, the app did not crash but froze at the splash screen instead. Androi ...