Licensee reports a difference in behaviour in instanced blueprints containing SplineComponents from 5.3 to 5.4, with respect to whether a placed blueprint containing spline component instance can be ...
Platforms .ini config files can end up with incorrect data, due to how ProjectSettings manages the config data. On a Windows machine, if we open the ProjectSettings window, all the data is going to ...
Here is a work around : #include "binkplugin_ue4.h" UObject* UBinkMediaPlayerFactory::FactoryCreateBinary( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, EObjectFlags Flags, UObject* Context, co ...
A Nanite primitive casting a CSM shadow on another Nanite primitive with "Cast Shadows" disabled, will have it's shadow disappear completely when r.Shadow.CSMCaching = 1. ...
When the boolean is set on a child skeletal mesh, looks like it gets reset Specifically , at UActorComponent::ConsolidatedPostEditChange forces a reconstruction of the Blueprint, making the trans ...
LocalHeightFog actors placed in levels for 5.3 projects are invalid and not appearing in levels after the project is upgraded to 5.4. This is likely due to LocalHeightFog being renamed to LocalFogVo ...
The TextExportTransient can be specified as a property flag and object flag. Behavior is inconsistent: there are many ways in which an object marked TextExportTransient can still be part of the text ...
Virtual Shadow Maps do not invalidate pages when HLODs replace meshes. This can lead to inconsistencies between the geometry and the shadows, which can cause artifacts as pages are invalidated. ...
IAssetRegistry::GetChecked().ScanPathsSynchronous() now eventually calls FPathExistence::LoadExistenceData and logs the errorFPathExistence failed to gather correct capitalization from disk for <p ...
When static lighting is baked using CPU lightmass for a nanite-enabled landscape it causes an editor crash with this assert: ...\Lightmass.cpp] [Line: 546] Attempting to add the same material twice ...