Trying to set the Bool Match as a Query Param causes the value to not be recognized. It just thinks the value is whatever default value it has instead of reading it from the params set in the Behavi ...
Sequencer bindings are lost when creating Sequence Player after loading a Sublevel using LoadLevelInstance. This was reported and tested in 4.21.2 (CL-4753647). This was reproduced in 4.22.3 (CL-7 ...
User widget object is returning invalid inside of a widget component ...
As described in the UDN question, some settings aren't forwarded correctly to the game instance in PIE during a functional test. Proposed patch attached. ...
When adding a RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput node to a Virtual Texture domain material, the RVT Output node overwrites any data being sent to the normal material node's output, which interferes with th ...
Expectations: The samples should only surround the lightmass importance volumes. Imagine if we build a 8K*8K map with lightmap importance volume at the corners of the map, even using stream levels ...
A SkeletalMeshComponent set to query only physics still interacts with collision. This is a regression from 4.21 Seems to be a side effect from a change to GetCollisionEnabled_CheckOwner ...
Moving from "float" to "FGameplayAttribute" is causing a test to fail. ...
A licensee wants to enforce YFov constraint for a game project by setting AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV in the config. However during playing the sequence, the value of AspectR ...
Certain Map container calls (e.g. Find, Add) will fail to compile at packaging time if a Blueprint class containing a Map variable with a user-defined enumeration as the key type is nativized. This ...