I could only replicate with the user's sketchup file. Exporting this file as fbx, and importing the fbx in KH doesn't have the issue.[Image Removed] ...
If you have Render All Cameras enabled in MRQ and are rendering a multilayer exr from a sequence that has multiple cameras edited in the camera cuts track the frames where a camera is not active in ...
Context World Partition - Hierarchical Level of Detail (HLOD) system uses custom HLOD Layers to organize large amounts of Static Mesh Actors and generate a single proxy mesh and Material. Problem T ...
Some Material Attribute blends in Material Layer Blends can cause Virtual Texture samples to be duplicated in HLSL. This can be avoided by sampling the Virtual Texture in the Parent Material, and pa ...
This issue occurs when clicking on the Rebind Possesable References action in a Level Sequence editor. The component reference appears missing and won't work anymore. It is worth noting that when ...
When you create a GeometryCollectionActor by dragging a GeometryCollectionAsset from the ContentBrowser into the scene, instead of using the PhysicsMaterial defined in the GeometryCollectionAsset, i ...
In Niagara, Mesh Renderers expose a "Meshes" array for selecting the meshes to be rendered. On each array entry, a property "Mesh Parameter Binding" is available and allows the user to override that ...
AddEndpointsFromConfig from Telemetry.cs is searching for StudioTelemetry.Provider.Horde. This appears to be out of sync with StudioTelemetry.Provider.HordeAnalytics mentioned in BaseEngine.ini. ...
When saving a file with Path Tracer enabled at the time of save, animated characters will appear in an A pose state. This will persist until Path Tracer is disabled. Occurs in Twinmotion 2024.1.2 a ...