UDN: [Link Removed]Fix SaveToFileCommand : [Image Removed]Problem with private properties serializing structs:[Image Removed]Add support for runtime instantiated UObject classesAdd single restore c ...
In UE4, "Private" for Blueprint variables was misnamed: its behavior actually meant "Protected". In other words, it can't be read or written to by external objects, but it can be by derived types. A ...
Context ActorComponents can schedule an end-of-frame update for themselves by calling UWorld::MarkActorComponentForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate. The UWorld will iterate all those actor components once pe ...
When creating Physics Assets, either by automatic creation upon import, creation from skeletal meshes already in the project, or when we press Generate All Bodies (bottom right of a opened Physics A ...
Crash after adding an AI Perception component to a parent and child character. First they both must have had AI Perception components > Compiled and saved > Then both AI Perception components delete ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.18 release, and may be a regression. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 2290 #end ...
The gameplay tag system depends on tags being registered with the global manager as valid in order to correctly read them off disk. Two different issues are combining to cause a confusing ensure and ...
https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/case/5004z00001n9LsOAAU/custom-primitive-data-on-bp-inst ance-not-taking-affect-while-in-editor Original Repo is from 4.27, however, it still happens in 5.2. This is ...
I had a tester with VS 2015 run through the steps I failed with, and they were unable to repro. JamesF was able to repro the issue on VS 2017. JamesF pointed out that this does not occur is you cho ...