Check hit in FNetworkObjectList::MarkActiveInternal for dormant actor after seamless travel

UE - Networking - Nov 15, 2023

When seamlessly traveling, FNetworkObjectList will have its data cleared. However, because FNetworkObjectList::Reset is called before FNetworkObjectList::ResetDormancyState, AllNetworkObjects will b ...

GameplayAbilitiesSystem: GameplayCues OnRemoved never firing

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Nov 15, 2023

This behaviour was introduced in the following changelists in 5.3: CLs 25371706 and 25407985 ...

Media Player can't continue to play after the progress bar is dragged.

Media Framework - Nov 15, 2023

This bug occurs in 5.3 version. It's ok in 5.2 version. ...

LLM: Delete LLM_IF_ENABLED if it is no longer a performance benefit, or convert all allocs and frees to use it if it still is.

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Nov 13, 2023

The macros LLM and LLM_IF_ENABLED behave identically but are slightly different from a performance standpoint. For consistency all allocs and frees should use the same one. Measure the cost of a co ...

Shadow in Sky Reflections

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Nov 10, 2023

It looks like the DistantScreenTrace(...) in LumenScreenTracing.ush reports a false positive hit in the dark regions. Using screen trace visualization reports the distance in these regions as 65535. ...

Creating a control rig via FControlRigBlueprintActions::CreateNewControlRigAsset crashes

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Nov 10, 2023

FControlRigBlueprintActions::CreateNewControlRigAsset is crashing in ResolveObjectHandleNoRead.  Looking at the control rig in UControlRigBlueprint::Serialize, it's marked as pendingkill but I'm uns ...

[AI] BTService_RunEQS has rare crash during OnQueryFinished

UE - AI - BehaviorTree - Nov 9, 2023

The crash log shows Error: Ensure condition failed: MyMemory->RequestID != INDEX_NONE [UE5\Engine\Source\Runtime\AIModule\Private\BehaviorTree\Services\BTService_RunEQS.cpp][Line: 93]. Other logs ha ...

Crash when opening or editing a DataTable with a Row Structure that contains a Curve

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Nov 9, 2023

If a DataTable Asset is created with a Row Structure that contains a member variable of type Curve, the Editor will crash when attempting to open it while it has no rows. It will also crash when edi ...

ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel with a rotated simple collision PrimComp misses overlap vs. complex collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Query - Nov 8, 2023

UWorld::ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel and internally, the call to FBodyInstance::OverlapMulti, misses overlaps and blocking hits when the PrimComp's (the component used to test overlaps) mesh uses ...