This is a longstanding crash that has occurred for more than 200 users since at least 4.13. Based on user descriptions this appears to permanently corrupt a project. User DescriptionsI just turned ...
Crash occurs when the user assigns a static to the Instanced Static Mesh Component in a LightWeightInstanceStaticMeshManager. I couldn't reproduce this with an actor blueprint with an ISMC or HISMC ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source C ...
User description: When I run two windowed standalone instances to test multiplayer, the unfocused window gets about 2-5 fps...but if I focus on it, smooth 120fps, yet the opposite screen is now onl ...
In some occasions, engine code iterates over a certain subsystem type by calling FSubsystemCollection::GetSubsystemArray() and then calling some method on all subsystems of the returned array. This ...
Customer Provided Description:This was experienced in UE 5.01 - custom installed engine (No changes to UE code, simply added the Debug build configuration, see the following command): "c:%ue_dire ...
The result with Chaos is not wrong, rather it returns a correct correction vector, that vector is perfectly horizontal to the teleport buried against the landscape mesh. Therefore, teleportation wil ...
Users have requested that light depth and light position are made available to Light Function Materials.Light Depth We seem to be calculating the per-pixel distance from the light to the surface in ...
QAGame Win64 Development BootTest: * Ensure: Ensure condition failed: oldValue == newValue [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\ThreadingBase.cpp] [Line: 311] oldVal ...
How Necessary are BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST and BUILD_VERSION in Resource Files? We've been investigating ways to improve the speed of our iterative engine builds, and have found that the vast, vast maj ...