Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context:757 if (SourceMips.Num()) 758 { 759 FFormatNamedArguments Args; ...
Editor Utility Widgets (EUW) can be used to script editor behavior. One use case is the automation of asset creation. A licensee has reported that when an EUW is used to create an asset, for as lon ...
In some situations, a Blueprint can become devoid of an Event Graph, or be created without one from the start. For example, function "FKismetEditorUtilities::CreateBlueprint()" in UE 5.4 does not ca ...
Preforming a hot reload causes placed actors to lose code based variable settings. More repro steps: 1. Open UE4Editor.exe 2. Create a First Person Code project 3. Build the project for Developme ...
I appears to be possible to replicate a value and when the value gets to the client(s), it doesn't match what was sent from the server. In the project, ReplicatedActor is created by the Authority. ...
Enabling UE_NET_ENABLE_REPLICATIONREADER_LOG results in the following errors: {{4>[1/5] Compile [x64] ReplicationReader.cpp 4>D:\P4V\UE5-Main\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Iris\Core\Private\Ir ...
The licensee reported that check(IsInAudioThread()) was failed in FAudioDevice::UnregisterSoundClass when GC. The following is the call stack: 1 #00 pc 030d7b58 HandleError (/home/pirates ...
Nativized packaging fails when attaching paper Flipbook component to a parent paper Flipbook component that is Inherited. ...
This is a trending Mac crash coming out of the 4.17.0 release, but also seems to have occurred in 4.16. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. The callst ...
Branch Build Label Changelist UE4-Main UE4_[2013-08-27_14.24] 1799942 DESCRIPTION: When importing an animated camera from Maya into Matinee, the placement of the camera is changed (shifted 90 ...