Going fullscreen/stereo on/enableHMD causes a play in standalone to go unresponsive and render as a black screen. Found on: Binary 4.9.2 release (from launcher/portal) UDN: https://udn.unrealengin ...
Characters with disabled Net Load on Client are loaded twice on a Standalone Client. This does not occur on the Server. This only occurs in Standalone, not in PIE nor in packaged games. Reproduced ...
When you create a function containing an Add Child Actor Component node, duplicate that function, and then change the Child Actor Class option in the duplicate, the changes are also saved to the ori ...
Some properties go missing when the Editor is switched to Japanese mode. Specifically, missing under Collison: -Simulation Generates Hit Events -Phys Material Override -Use CCD (See attached screens ...
A licensee has reported that the particle cutout feature will sometimes clip the image on some frames despite having an alpha threshold of 0.0001 The attached project has an example of this on the ...
Having an actor in the level with a child actor component, replacing it with another copy of itself, and deleting the copy results in a Child Actor remaining in the world outliner, which cannot be d ...
A projectile brought over from 4.5.1 or earlier that does not have a Primitive Component as the Root, or removing the root from the projectile in 4.6, returns an error: "Movement component [Projecti ...
A replicated Timeline's Finished output does not fire on the Client if the Server changes the Timeline Length to a shorter duration. Test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.2 binar ...
Attempting to get the Relative Location of a component that once simulated physics, but has been dynamically set at runtime to not simulate physics returns the World Location instead until the actor ...
In an actor blueprint with a scene component blueprint as its root, if you add a child object to the scene component blueprint, and then go into the scene component blueprint and set the location to ...