LIVE: ProjectileMovement component does not function when a PrimitiveComponent is missing or removed from the Components

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 18, 2014

A projectile brought over from 4.5.1 or earlier that does not have a Primitive Component as the Root, or removing the root from the projectile in 4.6, returns an error: "Movement component [Projecti ...

A replicated Timeline's Finished output does not fire on the Client if the Server changes the Timeline Length to a shorter duration

UE - Networking - Jan 28, 2016

A replicated Timeline's Finished output does not fire on the Client if the Server changes the Timeline Length to a shorter duration. Test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.2 binar ...

Getting Relative Location of an Object That Once Simulated Physics Returns World Location

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 10, 2015

Attempting to get the Relative Location of a component that once simulated physics, but has been dynamically set at runtime to not simulate physics returns the World Location instead until the actor ...

Editor Crashes When Setting Location of Scene Component BP to World

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2015

In an actor blueprint with a scene component blueprint as its root, if you add a child object to the scene component blueprint, and then go into the scene component blueprint and set the location to ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!VerifyD3D11CreateTextureResult() [d3d11util.cpp:276]

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 30, 2017

This crash seems to be related to or a continuation of [Link Removed], where that specific CrashGroup stopped receiving new crashes after the 4.10 release. This one has occurred from 4.13 - 4.15 (s ...

Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Defaults does not reregister components

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 17, 2024

For map placed blueprint actors with components with property modifications, when triggering Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default from the actor instance's Details panel, any components with ...

Rearranging the position of enumerators in an Enum BP will change references to the enumerators inside Data Tables based on position rather than value

Tools - Nov 12, 2015

Rearranging the position of enumerators in an Enum BP will change references to the enumerators inside Data Tables based on position rather than value. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.2 binary, 4.1 ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!FBlueprintGraphArgumentLayout::OnArgNameChange()

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 19, 2017

This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16 and has been occurring since at least 4.14 affecting more than 300 unique users. User Descriptionsi made a macro called IsolateYaw and set the input t ...

Inconsistent Prioritization of Navigation Modifiers

UE - AI - Dec 12, 2016

When working with Nav Modifiers in a level that contains objects that have a custom Nav Area class, the prioritization of the modifiers is not consistent. If you notice in the attached project, so ...

Cast modulated shadows causes black screen on iOS with non-default FOV

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 14, 2015

Using a FOV other than 90 with Cast Modulated Shadows seems to cause a black screen and weird FOV issues on an iOS device, in 4.9.2. If the camera has FOV=90, it works fine on the iOS device. If th ...