Assertion fails when a struct is opened with a class reference stored and with the struct as a variable in the class that's referenced. A restart is required in order to see this occur. Repro Rate: ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896. The crash occurred. Crash occurs while replacing a Widget Component with a user created Text Block blueprint. ...
The Set World Location at Spline Point node does not correctly update the location of the indicated spline. ...
Hi, I tried to use for a scriptable tool the watch property node for a struct. The objective for me was to offer to my user a view of a struct in the scriptable tool and have these modifications b ...
Opening the maps from the Soul: City asset pack on Linux causes a crash. This seems to be rendering related. It was originally reported as a Vulkan specific issue but we've reproduced it without Vul ...
When using "Set Playback Position" after "Pause", actor transforms are broken. Sending them off to an unexpected position. Adding a delay seems to resolve the issue, but seems like it should still ...
In this test bench, they are using a APawn with a custom replicated Movement Component rather than using a ACharacter and they are getting a different result that ends up in a permanent softlock of ...
Arrays chosen through a Select node cannot be altered. Note - This is also reproducible using any of these nodes instead of using 'Add':Add UniqueSet Array ElemInsert ...
'Set Playback Position' node fires Timeline event even if 'Fire Events' is set to false. User Description: Basically using the set playback position node to set a new time position for a timeline ...